This website contains images of people who have passed away.

Recommendations now supported (in full or in principle)

Recommendation 4

The Victorian Government has revised the State’s position on recommendation 4 to support-in-principle. This recommendation calls for the establishment of an independent and authoritative oversight and accountability commission for the monitoring and evaluation of First Peoples related policies and programs. The State has committed to accelerating progress on an independent mechanism for institutional oversight led by First Peoples through the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, and has identified Statewide Treaty negotiations as another pathway to potentially identify, develop or strengthen existing mechanisms.

Recommendation 31

Recommendation 31 is to introduce mandatory criteria, including in relation to ending systemic racism, for the selection, appointment and performance reviews of the Chief Commissioner of Police. This recommendation is now supported and will be implemented prior to the next recruitment process for the Chief Commissioner of Police (the current Commissioner is tenured until June 2025).

Recommendation 36

Recommendation 36 calls for government to ensure the new Youth Justice Act 2024 embeds human rights, including the distinct cultural rights of First Peoples, in all aspects of the youth justice system and its administration. This recommendation is now supported and will be addressed throughout the new Youth Justice Act 2024 which received Royal Assent on 10 September 2024 (as discussed in Section 3).
