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Reforming the child protection system

Recommendation 9

Recommendation 9 calls for annual reporting on funding for several services within the child protection and family services system, and specifically the amount and proportion of funding allocated to ACCOs. Presently, DFFH contributes to three separate reporting platforms — the Aboriginal Children's Forum, the Report on Government Services (Commonwealth) and the SNAICC Family Matters Report. In line with recommendation 9, DFFH will consider how to streamline and automate this reporting where possible, and report publicly on this data, annually. It is proposed that this work will be progressed through the Aboriginal Children's Forum with the publication of 2024-25 data expected by the end of December 2025.

Recommendations 11 and 12

As they both relate to reforming current practices for pre-birth reports in relation to expectant mums of First Peoples babies, recommendations 11 and 12 are being considered together. Policy scoping is underway on a consent-based child protection notification scheme for pre-birth reports. This work is being done in partnership with relevant ACCOs (including Aboriginal legal services, ACCOs delivering children and family services, and the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation), DJCS and DH.

The proposed timeline for delivery is dependent on agreement with key stakeholders on the scheme design and further implementation considerations.

Recommendations 18 and 19

Recommendations 18 and 19 call for Children’s Court of Victoria judicial officers — rather than non-specialist magistrates — to determine child protection matters, and for the statewide expansion of Marram-Ngala Ganbu (Koori Family Hearing Day). In 2023, the government opened the Dandenong Children's Court to offer a specialist approach to children's matters in the family and youth justice divisions. The government also recently expanded the coverage of the Specialist Children's Court in metropolitan Melbourne, by directing all Youth Justice matters to be dealt with at Melbourne Children's Court.

DJCS has engaged in preliminary consultation with the Children’s Court of Victoria on requirements to roll out Marram-Ngala Ganbu statewide, potential locations and cadence of rollout (subject to fiscal capacity). Government will continue to explore options to expand the availability of specialist courts, noting any additional coverage will be contingent on future investment.

Recommendation 23

Recommendation 23 urges the government to ensure that the Framework to Reduce Criminalisation of Young People in Residential Care is applied in all cases and to put in place reporting mechanisms and funding to ensure that authorities apply the Framework. In line with recommendation 23(a), the Victorian Government, along with Victoria Police and residential care providers, are working actively to implement the Framework through the existing 18-month action plan, and to monitor its implementation through local partnerships and regular reporting. An evaluation of this work is planned for completion in mid-2025. In line with recommendation 23(d), Victoria Police and residential care staff will have access to training in relation to trauma-informed care, police responses to non-crisis incidents and cultural awareness. Recommendation 23(b) and 23(c) will be considered in late 2025 following the implementation and evaluation of the existing 18-month action plan.
