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Ensuring accountability, cultural competence, and compliance with human and cultural rights

Recommendation 3

Recommendation 3 urges the government to ensure accountability and quality of monitoring and evaluation of First Peoples-related programs and policies.

To support the implementation of recommendation 3, the Department of Treasury and Finance’s Resource Management Framework will be updated to incorporate new requirements and guidelines for lapsing program evaluations for First Peoples-related programs. These updates will be introduced for use in the 2026/27 State Budget.

Recommendation 5

Recommendation 5 calls on the government to upscale the capability, competence and support in relation to human and cultural rights laws, of persons working in the State’s child protection and criminal justice systems.

To address the recommendation, work has been underway across relevant agencies (DFFH, DJCS, DH and Victoria Police) to improve and expand training of frontline operational support and programs and policy staff working in these systems. For example, DFFH has procured the Koorie Heritage Trust to deliver refreshed Aboriginal cultural safety training to all DFFH staff, as described above in relation to recommendation 14. Victoria Police delivers dedicated human rights training for all recruits as a component of Police Foundation Training, and is providing reinforcement of human rights content across promotional and operational programs. DJCS worked with the Aboriginal Justice Caucus to design improved training, including the development of a new e-learn: ‘Introduction to DJCS’ Commitment to Aboriginal Justice and Partnerships.’ The e-learn is the first mandatory, department-wide training relating to Aboriginal justice. It is offered alongside existing in-person cultural awareness training facilitated by Aboriginal service providers and available to all staff, as well as mandatory pre-service training for Corrections and Youth Justice front line workforces.
