This website contains images of people who have passed away.

5. Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework goals

Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework goals

The Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2018-2023 (VAAF) is the Victorian Government’s overarching framework for working with Aboriginal Victorians, organisations and the wider community to drive action and improve outcomes.

$695M of the $747M (93%) of targeted expenditure was attributed to a VAAF goal.

Goals with the highest targeted expenditure are:

  • Goal 17 - Aboriginal Victorians feel safe and connected ($221M)
  • Goal 18 - Aboriginal land, water and cultural rights are realised ($101M).

Goals with expenditure less than $2M include:

  • Goal 10 - Aboriginal income potential is realised ($1.1M)
  • Goal 20 - Racism is eliminated ($0.2M).

FY22/23 expenditure by VAAF goals ($M)

  • Download 'FY22/23 expenditure by VAAF goals ($M)'
