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A2 Appendix - Definitions

Definitions (1/2)

Expenditure and First Peoples-specific programs

Departments and agencies are asked to identify and isolate expenditures related to their First Peoples-specific programs and services.

‘Expenditure’ refers to expenses from transactions (excluding capital) in the general government sector.

‘First People-specific expenditure’ is defined as that which relates exclusively to, or will predominately benefit, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples or communities that can be directly attributed to a program, service or initiative. Examples of First People-specific programs include:

  • A discrete grants program eligible to Aboriginal organisations only
  • A business support service that targets First Peoples in Victoria only.

Program Name, Purpose and Description

This information is intended to provide an understanding of the breadth and diversity of First Peoples-specific programs and services being supported by the Victorian Government, and detail on the outcomes that the initiative aims to achieve.

Program Evaluations

The information on program evaluations will support an understanding of the effectiveness of government investment, and its social impact on First Peoples in Victoria. The data request seeks information on the program evaluations that have taken place which can be in the following forms:

  • Outcome evaluation – measures the extent of change and examines to what degree the initiative has contributed to the observed changes. Outcomes may be realised in the short, intermediate and/or longer term. They may include changes in people’s lives, conditions, knowledge, attitudes, values, behaviours, status, and/or satisfaction levels. Outcomes can include benefits (increases in social wellbeing following from outcomes).
  • Process evaluation – examines initiative implementation and delivery. It focuses on the inputs, activities and outputs of an initiative. Process evaluations examine the contexts in which the initiative is operating, identify issues with delivery, review the appropriateness and efficiency of the initiative, and provide information for process improvements.
  • Economic evaluation/cost benefit analysis (CBA) – identifies and measures the consequences of an initiative in relation to its costs. CBA is a comprehensive presentation of all the impacts of an initiative (economic, social, cultural, environmental), and assesses whether the investment was worthwhile.

Definitions (2/2)

Service provider definitions

  • Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) – as defined by the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, an ACCO delivers services, including land and resource management, which builds the strength and empowerment of First Peoples and is:
    • Incorporated under relevant legislation and not-for-profit;
    • Controlled and operated by First Peoples;
    • Connected to the community, or communities, in which they deliver the services; and
    • Governed by a majority First Peoples governing body.
  • First Peoples businesses – a First Peoples business is one that has at least 50% First Peoples ownership, that is recognised through an appropriate organisation (such as Supply Nation).
  • Local councils – this applies when local councils in Victoria are directly responsible for service delivery.
  • Non-government organisation – a non-profit organisation that operates independently of government, typically one whose purpose is to address a social or political issue. For the purpose of this exercise, ACCOs are not classified as NGOs.
  • For-profit business – this applies when a for-profit business that operates independently of government is responsible for service delivery (this includes sub-contractors).
  • Victorian Government – this applies when the Victorian Government is directly responsible for the service delivery. This includes teams internal to agencies that are responsible for administering and delivering government services.
