This website contains images of people who have passed away.

6. Future improvements to data quality

Future improvements to data quality

During the project we identified a number of potential enhancements to the data collected. These include:

  • Additional areas for reporting – An initial data collection template was developed in conjunction with DPC for this project. More detailed options could be added in some areas. Key examples include: reporting separately on funding for Traditional Owner Corporations, more detailed reporting on evaluations (such as whether First Peoples were involved in the evaluation, and whether it was combined with an evaluation of non-targeted services) and allowing departments to specify more than one Closing the Gap Target or Priority Reform for each program reported in the data.
  • Data by geographic region – most departments reported that expenditure was unable to be allocated to Local Government Areas. This was partly the result of gaps in data, and partly due to differences in geographic regions used in reporting across departments. With some effort it may be possible to fill data gaps and develop a consistent approach for reporting.
  • Guidance materials and templates – Guidance materials and templates could be enhanced to cover frequently asked questions.
  • Budgeted expenditure – Departments had difficulty reporting accurately on FY23/24 budgeted expenditure given the timing of the review. If reviews are to be undertaken annually, data requests could be timed after budgets are set.

With regular and increased focus on reporting of First Peoples-specific expenditure, it is likely that the accuracy, availability and depth of data will improve over time.

These are the views of Inside Policy and Taylor Fry alone and should not be taken as the position of the Victorian Government.
