This website contains images of people who have passed away.

Taungurung Natural Resource Agreement

On 26 October 2018, the State of Victoria and the Taungurung People entered into a Natural Resource Agreement (NRA) under Division 2, Part 6 of the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 (Vic).

What is the purpose of the Natural Resource Agreement?

The Taungurung have managed natural resources within their Country over thousands of years. They have ongoing rights and cultural obligations to continue to participate in the management of these resources.

The NRA provides a framework for how Traditional Owners can carry out agreed activities, including to take, use and manage natural resources, consistent with ‘sustainability principles’.

What does the Natural Resource Agreement provide for the Taungurung?

The NRA provides for Taungurung people to access public land within the agreement area to hunt, fish, camp, and gather natural resources. This includes accessing and using vegetation or stone for commercial purposes, subject to some limitations.

Taungurung people will not have to pay for or hold a licence or permit but will be required to demonstrate that they are a member of the Taungurung Traditional Owner group to access and carry out the agreed activities.

The NRA does not affect the access of existing users, such as recreational fishers and hunters.

How will the Taungurung participate in the management of natural resources?

The NRA commits the State and the Taungurung to work together in partnership to develop strategies for Taungurung’s participation in the design and monitoring of Natural Resource Management (NRM) initiatives in the agreement area.

The NRA also recognises the Taungurung’s special association with the Goulburn River and includes provisions for the state to support the Taungurung to manage the river’s oversight and protection.

Taungurung Traditional Owner Land Natural Resource Agreement

Also on 26 October 2018, the State of Victoria and the Taungurung People entered into a Traditional Owner Land Natural Resource Agreement (TOLNRA) under Division 2A, Part 6 of the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 (Vic).

The TOLNRA extends the operation of the NRA to freehold land that is owned by TLaWC or by a Taungurung person. It enables Taungurung people to undertake agreed activities, including hunting, fishing, camping, and gathering natural resources on land owned by TLaWC or a Taungurung person, with prior land owner consent.

Commenced on 11 August 2020

The Taungurung Natural Resource Agreement and the Taungurung Traditional Owner Land Natural Resource Agreement both commenced on 11 August 2020.
