This website contains images of people who have passed away.


Glossary of terms used in this report.

ABSAustralian Bureau of Statistics
ACARAAustralian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority
ACATAboriginal Cultural Awareness Training
ACACAboriginal Children in Aboriginal Care
ACCHOAboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
ACCOAboriginal Community Controlled Organisation
ACFAboriginal Children's Forum
ACHLMAAboriginal Cultural Heritage Land Management Agreement
ACIPAboriginal Community Infrastructure Program
ACLOAboriginal Community Liaison Officer
AEDCAustralian Early Development Census
AHVAboriginal Housing Victoria
AHWPVictorian Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Partnership
AJAAboriginal Justice Advisory
AJCAboriginal Justice Caucus
AJFAboriginal Justice Forum
AJGAboriginal Justice Group
ASGFAboriginal Strategic Governance Forum
ASNAboriginal Staff Network
ASPGAboriginal Sport Participation Grant
AWFAboriginal Workforce Fund
AYCPAboriginal Youth Cautioning Program
AYJAboriginal Youth Justice
CPPCOVID Positive Pathways Program
CISPCourt Integrated Services Program
CUSTCommunity Understanding and Safety Training
DDACLDandenong & District Aborigines Co-Operative Limited
DEECADepartment of Environment Energy, and Climate Action (formally Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning)
DEDepartment of Education (formally Department of Education and Training)
DFFHDepartment of Families Fairness and Housing
DHDepartment of Health
DJCSDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
DJSIR Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry, and Regions (formally Department of Jobs, Precincts, and Regions)
DTFDepartment of Treasury and Finance
DTPDepartment of Transport and Planning (formerly Department of Transport)
DPCDepartment of Premier and Cabinet
ECCDEarly Childhood Care and Development
First Peoples' AssemblyFirst Peoples' Assembly of Victoria
FVTOCFederation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations
GLaWACGunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation
GNVGeographic Names Victoria
HfAVRHomes for Aboriginal Victorians Round
HPVHuman papillomavirus
IWGImplementation Working Group
KFFEKoorie Families as First Educators
KMSKoori Maternity Services
KSNKoorie Staff Network
LGBTIQ+Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Intersex and Queer
LPHULocal Public Health Unit
MCGCMarrung Central Governance Committee
MDASMallee District Aboriginal Services
MCHMaternal and Child Health
MPASMedium-term Perpetrator Accommodation Service
NAIDOCNational Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee
NAPLANNational Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy
National Agreement National Agreement on Closing the Gap
NATSIHSNational Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey
NATSISSNational Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey
NDIANational Disability Insurance Agency
NDISNational Disability Insurance Scheme
NIKERINational Indigenous Knowledges Education Research Institute
NILFETNot in Labour Force, Education or Training
NSWNew South Wales
NTNorthern Territory
PALOPolice Aboriginal Liaison Officer
PwCPricewaterhouse Coopers
RAPRegistered Aboriginal Party
RCDVSRoyal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicides
REDSRegional Economic Development Strategies
SCFCPFState-wide Caring for Country Partnership Forum
SEWBSocial and Emotional Wellbeing
SDRFSelf-Determination Reform Framework
TAFETechnical and Further Education
TMATogether More Active
TOTraditional Owner
TOCTraditional Owner Corporation
TOS ActTraditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 (VIC)
The Report2022 Victorian Government Aboriginal Affairs Report
TORTerms of Reference
TOREPTraditional Owner Renewable Energy Program
VAAFVictorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework
VACCAVictorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency
VACCHOVictorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
VAEAIVictorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated
VAEECVictorian Aboriginal Employment and Economic Council
VAHHFVictorian Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Framework
VCALVictorian Certificate of Applied Learning
VCEVictorian Certificate of Education
VETVocational Education Training
VITVictorian Institute of Technology
VPCVictorian Pathways Certificate
VPHSVictorian Population Health Survey
VPSVictorian Public Sector
VSBAVictorian Schools Building Authority
VPSCVictorian Public Sector Commission
WAWestern Australia
YBFSYear Before Full-Time Schooling
