ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
ACARA | Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority |
ACAT | Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training |
ACAC | Aboriginal Children in Aboriginal Care |
ACCHO | Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation |
ACCO | Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation |
ACF | Aboriginal Children's Forum |
ACHLMA | Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Land Management Agreement |
ACIP | Aboriginal Community Infrastructure Program |
ACLO | Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer |
AEDC | Australian Early Development Census |
AHV | Aboriginal Housing Victoria |
AHWP | Victorian Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Partnership |
AJA | Aboriginal Justice Advisory |
AJC | Aboriginal Justice Caucus |
AJF | Aboriginal Justice Forum |
AJG | Aboriginal Justice Group |
ASGF | Aboriginal Strategic Governance Forum |
ASN | Aboriginal Staff Network |
ASPG | Aboriginal Sport Participation Grant |
AWF | Aboriginal Workforce Fund |
AYCP | Aboriginal Youth Cautioning Program |
AYJ | Aboriginal Youth Justice |
CPP | COVID Positive Pathways Program |
CISP | Court Integrated Services Program |
CUST | Community Understanding and Safety Training |
DDACL | Dandenong & District Aborigines Co-Operative Limited |
DEECA | Department of Environment Energy, and Climate Action (formally Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning) |
DE | Department of Education (formally Department of Education and Training) |
DFFH | Department of Families Fairness and Housing |
DH | Department of Health |
DJCS | Department of Justice and Community Safety |
DJSIR | Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry, and Regions (formally Department of Jobs, Precincts, and Regions) |
DTF | Department of Treasury and Finance |
DTP | Department of Transport and Planning (formerly Department of Transport) |
DPC | Department of Premier and Cabinet |
ECCD | Early Childhood Care and Development |
First Peoples' Assembly | First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria |
FVTOC | Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations |
GLaWAC | Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation |
GNV | Geographic Names Victoria |
HfAVR | Homes for Aboriginal Victorians Round |
HPV | Human papillomavirus |
IWG | Implementation Working Group |
KFFE | Koorie Families as First Educators |
KMS | Koori Maternity Services |
KSN | Koorie Staff Network |
LGBTIQ+ | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Intersex and Queer |
LPHU | Local Public Health Unit |
MCGC | Marrung Central Governance Committee |
MDAS | Mallee District Aboriginal Services |
MCH | Maternal and Child Health |
MPAS | Medium-term Perpetrator Accommodation Service |
NAIDOC | National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee |
NAPLAN | National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy |
National Agreement | National Agreement on Closing the Gap |
NATSIHS | National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey |
NATSISS | National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey |
NDIA | National Disability Insurance Agency |
NDIS | National Disability Insurance Scheme |
NIKERI | National Indigenous Knowledges Education Research Institute |
NILFET | Not in Labour Force, Education or Training |
NSW | New South Wales |
NT | Northern Territory |
PALO | Police Aboriginal Liaison Officer |
PwC | Pricewaterhouse Coopers |
QLD | Queensland |
RAP | Registered Aboriginal Party |
RCDVS | Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicides |
REDS | Regional Economic Development Strategies |
SCFCPF | State-wide Caring for Country Partnership Forum |
SEWB | Social and Emotional Wellbeing |
SDRF | Self-Determination Reform Framework |
TAFE | Technical and Further Education |
TMA | Together More Active |
TO | Traditional Owner |
TOC | Traditional Owner Corporation |
TOS Act | Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 (VIC) |
The Report | 2022 Victorian Government Aboriginal Affairs Report |
TOR | Terms of Reference |
TOREP | Traditional Owner Renewable Energy Program |
VAAF | Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework |
VACCA | Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency |
VACCHO | Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation |
VAEAI | Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated |
VAEEC | Victorian Aboriginal Employment and Economic Council |
VAHHF | Victorian Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Framework |
VCAL | Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning |
VCE | Victorian Certificate of Education |
VET | Vocational Education Training |
VIC | Victoria |
VIT | Victorian Institute of Technology |
VPC | Victorian Pathways Certificate |
VPHS | Victorian Population Health Survey |
VPS | Victorian Public Sector |
VSBA | Victorian Schools Building Authority |
VPSC | Victorian Public Sector Commission |
WA | Western Australia |
YBFS | Year Before Full-Time Schooling |