2004 Amendment Act: | Aboriginal Lands (Amendment) Act 2004 (Vic) |
ALA: | Aboriginal Lands Act 1970 (Vic) |
AGM: | Annual General Meeting |
Auditor: | A person appointed and authorised to inspect the accounts and records of an organisation and check the organisation is complying with the rules that govern it. |
CATSI Act: | Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth) |
Charter: | Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities 2006 (Vic) |
CEO: | Chief Executive Officer |
Committee of Management: | The governing body of the Trust, responsible for managing the Trust and the Trust Land, and elected by Members. |
Corporation: | an entity with “legal personality” which means it can act as a person by entering into contracts, buying and selling land etc. |
Discussion Paper: | Paper published in 2017 by First Peoples State Relations for a further review of the ALA. |
Dividends: | A payment made by a company or organisation to its shareholders to distribute profits. |
Executor: | The executor of a Will is responsible for carrying out the wishes of a person after they die. |
First Peoples State Relations: | First Peoples – State Relations, Department of Premier and Cabinet. Formerly Aboriginal Victoria. |
Framlingham ALT Submission: | Framlingham Aboriginal Land Trust Submission |
Freehold title: | To hold a freehold title over land is to have full and free control and ownership of it into the future. |
GLaWAC: | Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation |
Governance: | When referring to companies and organisations, governance relates to the set of systems, practices, rules and processes the organisation operates under. |
Government: | Victorian Government |
LTAT Submission: | Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust Submission |
Members: | The people who own a share in the Trust. The original Members were people who were living on the Trust Land on a certain day specified in the ALA. Members may have passed on their shares, for example to relatives, who then become Members. |
Minister: | The Minister responsible for administering the ALA, currently being the Victorian Minister for Aboriginal Affairs. |
NSWALC: | New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council |
ORIC: | Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations. |
ORIC or CATSI Corporation: | A corporation established under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth) and regulated by ORIC. This structure is similar to a company limited by guarantee and strives to take into account Aboriginal customs and traditions. This structure is only available for organisations that meet an Indigeneity requirement. |
poll vote: | Where each member at a general meeting has one vote. However, if there is a request by 5 members who are present at the meeting or by 10% of the total number of members present at the meeting, the number of votes that each individual may cast is determined according to how many shares that person owns. |
Quorum: | The minimum number of members needed at a meeting for the proceedings and decisions made to be valid. |
Reviewers: | Jason Behrendt and Tim Goodwin |
Shareholders: | Another term for Members. |
Trust: | The body corporate established by the ALA which owns the Trust Land. It comprises the Members of the Trust but is a separate legal entity from the Members of the Trust. |
Trusts: | The Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust and Framlingham Aboriginal Trust |
Trust Land: | The land owned by each of the Framlingham Aboriginal Trust and the Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust under the ALA. |