This website contains images of people who have passed away.

New First Peoples’ Assembly Elected To Lead The Way On Treaty

Marcus Stewart

Your time as members of the First People’s Assembly of Victoria will be history-making.

Don’t underestimate that.

The eyes of every mob or every community in this country will be on you, the whole step of the way.

This hasn’t been done before.

Imagine this: in a few generations time, our people will have never known life without Treaty.

Each of you have a role to play in making that a reality and bringing that to life.

Aunty Geraldine Atkinson

I want you to take this message stick, uphold our culture, rejuvenate our languages and practices, and do all our mobs proud.

Reuben Berg

Any good government knows that when it’s creating policies and programs for any group of people, it will get better results if it listens to those people the policies are for.

If we want governments to listen to us, we need to have a voice.

Thankfully, here in Victoria, we have a voice.

The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria.

Ngarra Murray

We are here with one purpose, and that is to reclaim our peoples’ power and freedom to make the decisions that affect our communities, culture and our country.

But I want you to know that me and Rueben and our Assembly members come to these conversations with open minds and a willingness to share in our peoples’ knowledge and culture.

The Hon. Daniel Andrews MP

For a very long time, you’ve been told by people in roles like the one I’m honoured and privileged to play, you’ve been told things that you wanted to hear, you were pleased to hear them, of course, but they haven’t translated into action.

Intentions are not the same as actions.

We’re about getting things done, and with you, I think we can achieve a lot.

Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.
