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Linda Bamblett

Dedication to justice reform and systemic change.


Dedicated to creating positive change.

Aunty Linda Bamblett is a resilient and proud Bangerang/Wiradjuri woman who exemplifies leadership and is well known for her advocacy for Aboriginal rights across Victoria. Born in Leeton, New South Wales, she has spent most of her life contributing to Victorian Aboriginal communities with a special interest in youth work and sports. The thirteenth daughter of Alf and Esmerelda (Lulla) Bamblett, Aunty Linda serves as the CEO of the Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Ltd (VACSAL). She is a devoted mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.

Aunty Linda has navigated diverse roles and responsibilities with unwavering determination in her work. Her tenure in the Aboriginal community-controlled organisation sector and government has been characterised by a commitment to community development, youth empowerment and leadership within VACSAL. Aunty Linda's multifaceted leadership extends to her participation in various committees and boards, including the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association (VAEAI) Board, Fitzroy Stars Football and Netball Club and the Aboriginal Community Elders Services (ACES) Board.

Her impact expands across state-based forums such as the former Aboriginal Executive Council, Aboriginal Justice Agreement Forum, Dhelk-Dja Partnership Forum and the Marrung Education Committee. This illustrates Aunty Linda's comprehensive involvement in advocating for Aboriginal rights. She was also appointed to the Commonwealth Games 2026 First Peoples Leadership Group.

Aunty Linda has shown a steadfast dedication to fostering change through her many roles in community. She is especially proud to lead a workforce at VACSAL, which is comprised of 80% Aboriginal staff. She has worked hard to achieve good career paths and leadership opportunities for her community.

Aunty Linda is a founding member of the Yappera Children’s Service. Embedded within and led by the Victorian Aboriginal community, Yappera was established to provide excellent and culturally safe care for Aboriginal children. This achievement is a testament to Aunty Linda's unwavering dedication to care for children, by providing a nurturing environment for early childhood education and ensuring that it is deeply rooted in cultural safety.

For Aunty Linda, this commitment represents a broader vision to preserve a secure space for Aboriginal identity from the earliest stages of life. This initiative shows her deep understanding of the importance of early childhood care and learning in shaping the future of Aboriginal children, recognising that the early years are formative.

Aunty Linda recognises the unique role of sports in preserving and evolving Aboriginal culture. She played a pivotal role in establishing the Black Eagles Basketball Club in Shepparton and the Victorian Eagles Basketball Club. These initiatives have provided elite pathways for Aboriginal athletes. Her global outreach includes leading the Maal-ya Indigenous Women’s Team to Canada for the World Indigenous Basketball Challenge.

Aunty Linda's influence on sporting events such as the VACSAL Junior and Senior Football/Netball carnivals, the VACSAL/AFL Victoria Koorie Women Football Carnival and the 3x3 NAIDOC Week Basketball Tournament continues to foster cultural exchange and community unity. Her leadership has been instrumental in promoting cultural exchange, reuniting families and fostering cultural connections within the Aboriginal community. She has helped to bring the community together by demonstrating that sporting events can serve as a significant modern-day expression of Aboriginal culture. In this way, her commitment to fostering unity and cultural pride through sports has had a profound positive impact on the Aboriginal community.

Aunty Linda's significant contributions go beyond her leadership in sports. She played a pivotal role in the Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA). As a key member of the first Aboriginal Justice Forum (AJF), she has helped to shape and implement the initial AJA and its later versions. Aunty Linda represented her constituents and advocated for the welfare of Victorian Aboriginal people through her role in the AJF. Aunty Linda's leadership within the AJF has been instrumental in improving justice outcomes for over 2 decades, particularly for Aboriginal youth in the northern metropolitan region.

Within VACSAL, Aunty Linda upholds the legacy of Dr Alf Bamblett by supporting emerging leaders and encouraging them to advocate for their community.

Her enduring involvement in Victorian Aboriginal affairs, particularly in education, justice, and community services, showcases a lifetime dedicated to creating positive change. Aunty Linda is committed to the principle that Aboriginal peoples must have a voice in determining their future. She envisions a future where Treaty becomes the vehicle for true self-determination; not just a catchphrase, but a tangible reality that upholds the rights of Aboriginal Victorians for generations to come.
